Wii Drives


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Wii console profile

Profile details:
Added: 2011-02-22 by
Country: Germany
Bought where and when: Wunderlampe, later renamed to konsolerie on the 2008-12-19

It's full compatible to DVDs, burned Games and so on...
(Sorry for my terrible english)

Wii details:
Model number / region: RVL-001(EUR) / PAL
Serial: LEH2075585XX
Copyright year: 2006
DVD board serial: AMYA861XXX
DVD controller: GC2-D2E2 a.k.a. D2C v2
  • Cut pins on controller: -
  • Missing solderpad near controller: -
  • New metal clip on DVD drive: Yes
  • Drive chip covered in black glue: No
  • Missing text on top of large D3 chip: -
Illustrational photos:
Metal clip (D2C2):
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#1 - posted by (12.131.11*.*)2015-11-09 20:14:05
Grade A stuff. I'm untbusqionaely in your debt.

#2 - posted by (188.143.23*.*)2015-11-11 17:03:14
I wasn't even aware that there is an enhanced veirson of Deadly Premonition coming out. I guess that's why you write for Rocket Chainsaw I'm not sure about a sequel, although the prequel idea is intriguing!Aside from the director's cut, it would be great to play more as York/Zach and get new content; but really I would be excited for any new SWERY console game to be announced.I agree with your comparison to Suda 51. SWERY seems to do whatever he wants, and usually it ends up being entertaining.Speaking of Suda 51, I read your post regarding Lollipop Chainsaw. I have yet to play it, as it just didn't seem like the kind of game I would buy at release. Being a Grasshopper title obligates me to play it sometime, because I love them, but as seems to be the case with you, my faith in their quality of games is in danger of dwindling recently.But I guess even Shadows of the Damned had it's merits, so perhaps Suda can't stray too far from his talent. On a similar note, have you tried No More Heroes: Heroes Paradise for PS3?Or maybe I should first ask, PS3 or 360? Or both?I've got the Wii edition, but am wondering if it's worth it to get the PS3 veirson.I don't want to conjure up any Silent Hill HD flashbacks. http://ptqqvhbc.com [url=http://wmvwxc.com]wmvwxc[/url] [link=http://wxnjkbtnqo.com]wxnjkbtnqo[/link]

#3 - posted by (188.143.23*.*)2015-11-15 05:48:28
Is downloading games for free rellay a legal practice, it can't be. I mean if I can just get the game for free on the net, why shell out money for a Wii and use it's virtaul console when the game is free for the pc ands a few clicks away. I mean if you are buying a Wii to get it's full benefits then go ahead, buy one. But say you're like me and just want the old games, the Wii would then be an expence I am exempt from. Is anyone getting behing these sites that offer roms or are they waiting for it to escallate as the illegal music/napster thing did almost a decade ago. They say that downloading these roms is technically not legal. It either is or isn't. Another thing, they say that in order to download these games, you have to own then first. How in the hell can they enforce this. Nobody can see what NES games I have and my computer doesn't so it can't say it fobids me cause I don't own it. My prediction, it'll get out of hand before it's too late. Will Nintendo try to stop this??? http://rlwkqkkelph.com [url=http://pywwbt.com]pywwbt[/url] [link=http://rezidldki.com]rezidldki[/link]

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